Explore the extensive networks
that connect Flagstaff to the world
Logistics Advantages
Easy linking for your supply chain
Road Network
Flagstaff sits at the intersection of two Interstate highways (I-17 and I-40). These routes connect our local businesses with Phoenix, Las Vegas, Los Angeles, Albuquerque, and many other markets. Smaller regional highways provide access to northern Arizona, Utah, and Colorado. -
Driving distances from Flagstaff to:
Phoenix: 142 miles
Las Vegas: 252 miles
Albuquerque: 323 miles
Los Angeles: 467 miles -
Air Network
Flagstaff Airport has commercial air service with a consistently growing number of enplanements as well as being a general aviation airport. Commercial properties are available nearby. -
Rail Network
Shipping or receiving freight? Burlington Northern Santa Fe runs right through the middle of the city. Want to ride the rails? Flagstaff has daily Amtrak service.