City of Flagstaff’s Economic Development Program Mission
Enhancing prosperity, long-
term viability, and resilience of our community.
Applications close on October 31
The City of Flagstaff recognizes that resilient communities have high percentages of small businesses including startups and other entrepreneurial ventures. As the City of Flagstaff works to facilitate an increase in small independent businesses, supporting existing businesses in need is of growing importance. Additionally, supporting existing and growing sectors is of equal importance.

Grants may be awarded to businesses that meet the following criteria:
Businesses related to the following targeted industries
- Entrepreneurial companies, Small Businesses, and Start-ups
- Research and Development
- Flagstaff Pulliam Airport Airside
- Research and Development
- Health Care
- Clean Energy
- Biosciences
- Software Development
- Medical Devices
- Education
- Forest
- Food Processing
- Requirements:
- Businesses are actively working to preserve existing or create full-time positions that are high-wage relative to the targeted industry sector, low environmental impact such as low water or power usage or the like. These ventures should retain and expand an existing business and work to increase wages and benefits.
- Businesses are physically located within the City of Flagstaff municipal boundary.
Any business interested in applying for the limited available funds must submit the following information to the Business Retention and Expansion Office at the City of Flagstaff between September 1 and Octobert 31:
- Written narrative of the venture which includes:
- A description of the business and how it benefits the local community;
- The current business challenge(s);
- The proposed solution(s) to address the challenge(s) and direct correlation between a grant award and the proposed solution;
- Specific outcomes relative to job retention or growth.
- Budget and general schedule of the venture;
- Current business plan which will be reviewed and returned to the applicant;
- A comparison of the wages of the applicant’s business jobs being retained or created relative to the Coconino County median wage and relative to the average sector.
- A narrative of the impact of the applicant’s businesses relative to water and energy usage, and to the community waste stream (this does not need to be elaborate);
- A description of any proposed direct benefits to the community (not just applicant’s business) such as infrastructure, workforce development opportunities for residents or students, volunteer work, or some other benefit that the business is able to offer to the community (this does not need to be elaborate).
- An accounting of the applicant’s private investment relative to the requested grant.
Please submit all proposals for incentive requests by email to: Creag Znetko at
The subject title should be listed as: Business REIP Grant Application.
Review and Ranking
Economic Vitality staff and various city offices will review and rank applications. Each complete application will be ranked based upon an overall tally of available points for four separate criteria:
Wages (25pts): A comparison of the wages of the jobs being retained or created relative to the Greater Flagstaff Metropolitan Area median wage and relative to the average sector wage.
Environmental Impact (25pts): A narrative of the impact of the applicant’s businesses relative impacts to water and energy usage, and to the community waste stream;
Direct Community Benefit (40pts): A description of any proposed direct benefits to the community (not just the applicant’s business) such as infrastructure, workforce development opportunities for residents or students, volunteer work, or some other benefit that the business is able to offer to the community;
Match (10pts): An accounting of the applicant’s private investment relative to the requested grant.
The range of awarded grant amounts is $5,000 to $30,000; therefore, it is possible that only one application may be awarded or six applications may be awarded. The review team will determine the number of awards based upon the final rank and consideration of each application. Any unused program funds will be carried forward into the next budget year. This could create a fund balance over time which could provide the opportunity to fund more ventures at the
maximum award level.
Number of Awards
A single Business may be awarded a grant up to three times, but will not be awarded a grant in any successive fiscal year. For example, if a grant is awarded in FY21-22, the business is not eligible for another grant until FY23-24.
Successful Applicants
Successful applicants will provide annual updates for three years after a grant award. Successful applicants will meet with City of Flagstaff Economic Development staff quarterly during the first year, then every six months for the next two years. One of the primary purposes of this program is to provide ongoing support to local businesses. Even if a grant is not awarded, an applicant may choose to meet with City of Flagstaff Economic Development staff quarterly or on a more frequent basis to discuss ways to help the business succeed. Successful applicants may be included in future marketing efforts for the program and for the economic development efforts of the City of Flagstaff in general.